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Harvard/MIT Organizational Economics Seminar
Harvard/MIT Organizational Economics Seminar
All seminars take place on Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. in Littauer Center M-16 (Harvard) or The Freeman Room E52-244 (MIT). To be included... View Details
- Article
Inertia and Incentives: Bridging Organizational Economics and Organizational Competence
By: Rebecca M. Henderson and Sarah Kaplan
Henderson, Rebecca M., and Sarah Kaplan. "Inertia and Incentives: Bridging Organizational Economics and Organizational Competence." Organization Science 16, no. 5 (September–October 2005): 509–521.
- Teaching Interest
Organizational Behavior
Each of us maintains a set of beliefs and general assumptions about humans and their behavior, and those assumptions form the foundation for our beliefs about what motivates individuals; about how individuals make decisions; and about the ways in which the... View Details
- 13 Oct 2014
- News
Experiment with Organizational Change Before Going All In
- Article
Recent Advances in the Empirics of Organizational Economics
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
We present a survey of recent contributions in empirical organizational economics, focusing on management practices and decentralization. Productivity dispersion between firms and countries has motivated the improved measurement of firm organization across industries... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Management Practices and Processes; Performance Productivity; Geographic Location; Motivation and Incentives; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Competition; Human Capital; Markets; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Multinational Firms and Management; India; Brazil; United States
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Recent Advances in the Empirics of Organizational Economics." Annual Review of Economics 2 (2010): 105–137.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Product to Platform Transitions: Organizational Identity Implications
By: Elizabeth J. Altman and Mary Tripsas
Organizations are increasingly recognizing that value they once derived from offering standalone products can be significantly enhanced if they transition to platform-based businesses that harness the innovative capabilities of complementors. While the competitive... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change; Organizational Identity; Ecosystems; Complementors; Managing Innovation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Multi-Sided Platforms; Innovation and Management; Organizational Culture
Altman, Elizabeth J., and Mary Tripsas. "Product to Platform Transitions: Organizational Identity Implications." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-045, December 2013. (Revised September 2014.)
- February 2022
- Module Note
Behavioral Economics and Choice Architecture
By: John Beshears
This module note for instructors describes a module on the design of choice architecture solutions to organizational problems. View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Economics; Choice Architecture; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Decision Choices and Conditions; Economics
Beshears, John. "Behavioral Economics and Choice Architecture." Harvard Business School Module Note 922-029, February 2022.
- June 2013
- Case
The World Economic Forum's Global Leadership Fellows Program
By: Rakesh Khurana and Eric Baldwin
This case examines a distinctive leadership development program within the World Economic Forum. The program, born out of the conviction that the complexity of global challenges at the beginning of the 21st century required a new generation of global leaders, recruited... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Leadership Skills; Training; Global Organizations; Global Leadership; World Economic Forum; Globalization; Leadership; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change
Khurana, Rakesh, and Eric Baldwin. "The World Economic Forum's Global Leadership Fellows Program." Harvard Business School Case 413-118, June 2013.
- 2010
- Article
M@n@gement in Times of Economic Crisis: Insights Into Organizational Ambidexterity
By: Achim Schmitt, Gilbert Probst and Michael Tushman
Schmitt, Achim, Gilbert Probst, and Michael Tushman. "M@n@gement in Times of Economic Crisis: Insights Into Organizational Ambidexterity." M@n@gement 13, no. 3 (2010): 128–150.
- 2023
- Chapter
Organizational Development
By: Min Basadur, Tim Basadur and Goran Calic
Our review of the field of Organizational Development (OD) reveals an extensive range of tools which attempt to help organizations improve performance. We believe that OD should be studied differently: As a continuous process of change-making or innovation. How this... View Details
Keywords: Change; Cognition and Thinking; Creativity; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Innovation and Management
Basadur, Min, Tim Basadur, and Goran Calic. "Organizational Development." Chap. 17 in Handbook of Organizational Creativity: Leadership, Interventions, and Macro Level Issues. Second Edition by Roni Reiter-Palmon and Sam Hunter, 239–255. Academic Press, 2023.
- March–April 2012
- Article
The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks
By: Gautam Ahuja, Guiseppe Soda and Akbar Zaheer
An extensive body of knowledge exists on network outcomes and on how network structures may contribute to the creation of outcomes at different levels of analysis, but less attention has been paid to understanding how and why organizational networks emerge, evolve, and... View Details
Keywords: Economic Sociology; Economics And Organization; Social Networks; Organization And Management Theory; Interorganizatonal Relationships; Networks; Strategy; Change
Ahuja, Gautam, Guiseppe Soda, and Akbar Zaheer. "The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks." Organization Science 23, no. 2 (March–April 2012): 434–448.
- Aug 2011 - 2011
- Conference Presentation
Combining Social and Economic Objectives: On the Challenges of Sustaining a Hybrid Organizational Form
By: Julie Battilana, A.-C. Pache, M. Sengul and Jacob Model
- January 2004
- Article
Market Orientation, Innovativeness and Organizational Culture: Thai Firms Adapt to the Asian Economic Crisis
By: Rohit Deshpandé and John U. Farley
Keywords: Markets; Innovation and Invention; Organizational Culture; Financial Crisis; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business Ventures; Thailand; Asia
Deshpandé, Rohit, and John U. Farley. "Market Orientation, Innovativeness and Organizational Culture: Thai Firms Adapt to the Asian Economic Crisis." Asian Journal of Marketing (January 2004): 5–19.
- 06 Jul 2023
- News
Home Economics
academia. The three areas have more in common than many think, Laidler-Kylander says. Best practices in leadership and management are applicable everywhere, but nonprofits come with additional organizational challenges. There’s often a... View Details
Keywords: April White
- Web
Organizational Behavior - Doctoral
Organizational Behavior In the field of Organizational Behavior, researchers draw on the methods and concepts of psychology and sociology to examine complex organizations and the ways that people behave... View Details
- January 2009 (Revised June 2014)
- Supplement
CityCenter (B): Economics and Delivery
By: A. Eugene Kohn, John D. Macomber and Ben Creo
Bill Smith is informed by his general contractor that a key component of the Aria Resort is going to be delayed. Aria is the centerpiece of CityCenter: a $9 billion complex and a bet-the-firm decision for MGM Mirage. Smith must make a decision as to whether to force... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Decision Choices and Conditions; Construction; Finance; Organizational Structure; Projects; Complexity
Kohn, A. Eugene, John D. Macomber, and Ben Creo. "CityCenter (B): Economics and Delivery." Harvard Business School Supplement 209-094, January 2009. (Revised June 2014.)
- 07 Jul 2003
- Research & Ideas
The Organizational Model for Open Source
important roles foundations can play is to ensure that pluralism in the governance of these projects is sustained. Q: Will the nonprofit foundation be an organizational model that will define future software development? A: I cannot see... View Details
Keywords: by Mallory Stark
- 2005
- Article
Thai Firms' Adaptations Following the Asian Economic Crisis: Market Orientation, Innovativeness and Organizational Culture Five Years After
By: Rohit Deshpandé and John U. Farley
- 18 Apr 2023
- News