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Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship
The Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship supports Harvard Business School's mission
to "educate leaders who make a difference in the world" by infusing this leadership
perspective with an entrepreneurial point of view. View Details
- May 2019
- Background Note
Sources of Capital for Black Entrepreneurs
By: Steven Rogers, Stanley Onuoha and Kayin Barclay
This note was written primarily for black entrepreneurs in order to help them raise capital. The second objective was to recognize the capital providers who are part of the solution to the problem of less than 2% of private equity capital and 1.7% of debt capital in... View Details
Rogers, Steven, Stanley Onuoha, and Kayin Barclay. "Sources of Capital for Black Entrepreneurs." Harvard Business School Background Note 319-117, May 2019.
- March 2023 (Revised May 2023)
- Technical Note
Technical Note: The Traits of Entrepreneurs
By: Jo Tango and Alys Ferragamo
Why do some entrepreneurs succeed and others do not? Are there personality traits that lead someone to become an entrepreneur? Although many questions still remain, there has been significant research on the “entrepreneurial personality.” This note provides an... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneur; Innovation; Personality; Personality Traits; Risk Preference; Big Five; Locus Of Control; Success; Entrepreneurship; Personal Characteristics
Tango, Jo, and Alys Ferragamo. "Technical Note: The Traits of Entrepreneurs." Harvard Business School Technical Note 823-099, March 2023. (Revised May 2023.)
- Article
Risk Attitudes and Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs and Venture Team Members
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr, William R. Kerr and Margaret Dalton
Personality distinctions between entrepreneurs, nonfounder CEOs/leaders, and inventor employees have received limited attention, especially in innovative settings where they are working together. We surveyed these groups, along with other employees of innovative firms,... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Inventors; Innovation; Risk; Personal Characteristics; Innovation and Invention; Risk and Uncertainty; Attitudes
Kerr, Sari Pekkala, William R. Kerr, and Margaret Dalton. "Risk Attitudes and Personality Traits of Entrepreneurs and Venture Team Members." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 36 (September 3, 2019): 17712–17716.
- Research Summary
Women Entrepreneurs
By: Myra M. Hart
Professor Hart is currently conducting research on women entrepreneurs pursuing high growth strategies. Hart is a member of the Diana Research Group, a team of five professors who have collaborated in an on-going investigation of the unique oppportunities and obstacles... View Details
- December 2020 (Revised April 2021)
- Teaching Note
Women Entrepreneurs and Tech Ecosystems: One City, Two Realities, and Four Diverse Women
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Joyce J. Kim
Four diverse women entrepreneurs launched their ventures in a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem that was part of a shift to a creative technology-driven economy for Miami. Although Miami was rated the #1 U.S. city for startups in 2017, the region contained structural... View Details
Keywords: Women; Racism; Black Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Diversity; Gender; Race; Prejudice and Bias; Innovation and Invention; City; Culture; Miami
- 2016
- Working Paper
Entrepreneurs and the Co-Creation of Ecotourism in Costa Rica
By: Geoffrey Jones and Andrew Spadafora
Between the 1970s and the 2000s, Costa Rica became established as the world’s leading ecotourism destination. This working paper suggests that although Costa Rica benefited from biodiversity and a pleasant climate, the country’s preeminence in ecotourism requires more... View Details
Keywords: Tourism; Latin America; Business History; Sustainable Strategy; Sustainability; Nonprofit; Entrepreneurs; Environment; Entrepreneurship; History; Environmental Sustainability; Tourism Industry; Costa Rica
Jones, Geoffrey, and Andrew Spadafora. "Entrepreneurs and the Co-Creation of Ecotourism in Costa Rica." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-136, June 2016.
- 18 Jan 2012
- Research & Ideas
Beyond Heroic Entrepreneurs
entrepreneurs who also were starting from scratch—those for whom social ventures were still in the very early phases. They identified an ideal data pool through a partnership with Echoing Green, a socially focused investment organization... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- April 2018 (Revised May 2018)
- Teaching Note
Haier: Incubating Entrepreneurs in a Chinese Giant
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
This Teaching Note helps instructors teach the HBS case, “Haier: Incubating Entrepreneurs in a Chinese Giant,” (HBS No. 318-104) presenting analysis of the case and a teaching plan to guide classroom discussions. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Ventures; Innovation; Scaling; Global Corporate Cultures; Global; Cultural Context; Mainstream; Platform Strategies; Ecosystem; Digital; Internet Of Things; Business Model; Change Management; Disruption; Global Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Leading Change; Business Strategy; China
- Teaching Interest
Strategy For Entrepreneurs
Strategy for Entrepreneurs (SFE) helps students develop better strategies for the ventures they start, the startups they will join, and the new companies they might invest in. The course pushes students to write down a theory of value and then design and run... View Details
- 20 Mar 2005
- Research & Ideas
Lessons of Successful Entrepreneurs
much for the money as for the expertise—"We wanted adult supervision." Entrepreneurs run incredibly fast and focused, leaving little time for thinking about strategy and tactics to respond to events happening in the industry.... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- September 2008 (Revised December 2011)
- Case
Frank Addante, Serial Entrepreneur
By: Noam T. Wasserman and Antony Uy
Frank Addante is a 28-year-old serial entrepreneur who is in the process of building his fifth venture. Of his first four ventures, two were sold, one went public, and in the last he decided to close the venture and return unused capital to his investors. With the... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Equity; Selection and Staffing; Groups and Teams
Wasserman, Noam T., and Antony Uy. "Frank Addante, Serial Entrepreneur." Harvard Business School Case 809-046, September 2008. (Revised December 2011.)
- December 2022
- Article
Social Skills Improve Business Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial with Entrepreneurs in Togo
By: Stefan Dimitriadis and Rembrand Koning
Recent field experiments demonstrate that advice, mentorship, and feedback from randomly assigned peers improve entrepreneurial performance. These results raise a natural question: what is preventing entrepreneurs and managers from forming these peer connections... View Details
Keywords: Social Skills; Business Performance; Entrepreneurs; Peer Relationships; Field Experiment; Entrepreneurship; Performance; Relationships; Interpersonal Communication; Togo
Dimitriadis, Stefan, and Rembrand Koning. "Social Skills Improve Business Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial with Entrepreneurs in Togo." Management Science 68, no. 12 (December 2022): 8635–8657.
- 02 Feb 2009
- Research & Ideas
The Success of Persistent Entrepreneurs
When it comes to entrepreneurship, nothing says success like a track record of previous wins. Entrepreneurs with a history of success are much more likely to succeed in new ventures than first-timers or those who failed previously, new... View Details
Keywords: by Sarah Jane Gilbert
- 07 Jan 2013
- Lessons from the Classroom
Culture Changers: Managing High-Impact Entrepreneurs
Professor Mukti Khaire's challenge to management students is lofty, even by Harvard MBA standards. Don't just change the way people live, change the way they think. Change culture. In her new elective course, Creative High-Impact Ventures: View Details
- December 2011 (Revised October 2014)
- Background Note
Business Model Analysis for Entrepreneurs
By: Thomas Eisenmann
This note defines a business model and its major elements: a customer value proposition, a technology and operations management plan, a go-to-market plan, and a profit formula. For each element, the note lists questions that an entrepreneur must address when evaluating... View Details
Keywords: Business Model
Eisenmann, Thomas. "Business Model Analysis for Entrepreneurs." Harvard Business School Background Note 812-096, December 2011. (Revised October 2014.)
- October 2020 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Women Entrepreneurs and Tech Ecosystems: One City, Two Realities, and Four Diverse Women
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Joyce J. Kim
Four diverse women entrepreneurs launched their ventures in a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem that was part of a shift to a creative technology-driven economy for Miami. Although Miami was rated the #1 U.S. city for startups in 2017, the region contained structural... View Details
Keywords: Female Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; Inclusion; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Racism; Sexism; Start-up; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Diversity; Gender; Race; Prejudice and Bias; Innovation and Invention; City; Culture; Miami
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Joyce J. Kim. "Women Entrepreneurs and Tech Ecosystems: One City, Two Realities, and Four Diverse Women." Harvard Business School Case 321-083, October 2020. (Revised April 2021.)
- Research Summary
Immigrant Policymakers and Entrepreneurs
Since completing his prize-winning biography of Joseph Schumpeter in 2007 and his book, American Business since 1920 in 2009, Professor McCraw has been working on two new books about immigrants who came to the United States and became important policymakers... View Details
- 2016
- Working Paper
Food Stamp Entrepreneurs
By: Gareth Olds
This paper explores how eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamps Program) affects firm formation. Using a variety of identification strategies, I show that expanded SNAP eligibility in the mid-2000s... View Details
Olds, Gareth. "Food Stamp Entrepreneurs." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-143, June 2016.
- Article
More-Experienced Entrepreneurs Have Bigger Deadline Problems
By: Andy Wu, Aticus Peterson and Amy Meeker
Professor Andy Wu and doctoral candidate Aticus Peterson of Harvard Business School tracked 314 entrepreneurs who launched multiple technology hardware products on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter from September 2010 to June 2019. The more projects the founders... View Details
Wu, Andy, Aticus Peterson, and Amy Meeker. "More-Experienced Entrepreneurs Have Bigger Deadline Problems." Harvard Business Review 100, no. 2 (March–April 2022): 28–29. (IdeaWatch.)