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- Faculty Publications (18)
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- Faculty Publications (18)
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- November 2023
- Article
A Quantity-Driven Theory of Term Premia and Exchange Rates
We develop a model in which specialized bond investors must absorb shocks to the supply and demand for long-term bonds in two currencies. Since long-term bonds and foreign exchange are both exposed to unexpected movements in short-term interest rates, a shift in the... View Details
Greenwood, Robin, Samuel G. Hanson, Jeremy C. Stein, and Adi Sunderam. "A Quantity-Driven Theory of Term Premia and Exchange Rates." Quarterly Journal of Economics 138, no. 4 (November 2023): 2327–2389.
- 2022
- Working Paper
Markups to Financial Intermediation in Foreign Exchange Markets
By: Jonathan Wallen
On average from 2013 to 2020, foreign asset managers in net sold forward 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars. This forward sale of dollars hedges the currency mismatch of foreign investment in U.S. dollar assets. By accommodating this demand, U.S. and European banks earn an... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Exchange; Financial Intermediation; Arbitrage; Market Power; Regulations; Currency; Assets; Interest Rates; Banking Industry
Wallen, Jonathan. "Markups to Financial Intermediation in Foreign Exchange Markets." Working Paper, March 2022.
- 2022
- Chapter
CIP Deviations, the Dollar, and Frictions in International Capital Markets
By: Wenxin Du and Jesse Schreger
The covered interest rate parity (CIP) condition is a fundamental arbitrage relationship in international finance. In this chapter, we review its breakdown during the Global Financial Crisis and its continued failure in the subsequent decade. We review how to measure... View Details
Du, Wenxin, and Jesse Schreger. "CIP Deviations, the Dollar, and Frictions in International Capital Markets." Chap. 4 in Handbook of International Economics, Volume 6, edited by Gita Gopinath, Elhanan Helpman, and Kenneth Rogoff, 147–197. Handbooks in Economics. Elsevier BV, 2022.
- July 2020
- Case
Mortgage Backed Securities and the Covid-19 Pandemic
By: Emil N. Siriwardane, Luis M. Viceira and Dean Xu
In April 2020, global financial markets were still reeling as the COVID-19 pandemic spread rapidly across the world. Global equity markets had initially fallen by 30% in response to the pandemic, and high-yield credit markets had dropped by nearly 20%. In contrast,... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Mortgage-backed Securities; Health Pandemics; Financial Markets; Assets; Resource Allocation; Financial Instruments; Decision Making
Siriwardane, Emil N., Luis M. Viceira, and Dean Xu. "Mortgage Backed Securities and the Covid-19 Pandemic." Harvard Business School Case 221-010, July 2020.
- September 2019
- Article
The Dollar, Bank Leverage and Deviations from Covered Interest Parity
By: Stefan Advjiev, Wenxin Du, Catherine Koch and Hyun Song Shin
We document a triangular relationship in that a stronger dollar goes hand in hand with larger deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) and contractions of cross-border bank lending in dollars. We argue that underpinning the triangle is the role of the dollar as a... View Details
Advjiev, Stefan, Wenxin Du, Catherine Koch, and Hyun Song Shin. "The Dollar, Bank Leverage and Deviations from Covered Interest Parity." American Economic Review: Insights 1, no. 2 (September 2019): 193–208.
- June 2018
- Article
Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity
By: Wenxin Du, Alexander Tepper and Adrien Verdelhan
We find that deviations from the covered interest rate parity (CIP) condition imply large, persistent, and systematic arbitrage opportunities in one of the largest asset markets in the world. Contrary to the common view, these deviations for major currencies are not... View Details
Du, Wenxin, Alexander Tepper, and Adrien Verdelhan. "Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity." Journal of Finance 73, no. 3 (June 2018): 915–957.
- May 2018
- Article
U.S. Treasury Premium
By: Wenxin Du, Joanne Im and Jesse Schreger
We quantify the difference in the convenience yield of U.S. Treasuries and government bonds of other developed countries by measuring the deviation from covered interest parity between government bond yields. We call this wedge the “U.S. Treasury Premium.” We document... View Details
Du, Wenxin, Joanne Im, and Jesse Schreger. "U.S. Treasury Premium." Journal of International Economics 112 (May 2018): 167–181.
- 2019
- Working Paper
Do Banks Have an Edge?
By: Juliane Begenau and Erik Stafford
Overall, no! We show that the level and time series variation in cash flows for most bank activities are well matched by capital market portfolios with similar interest rate and credit risk to what banks report to hold. Ignoring operating expenses, bank loans earn high... View Details
Keywords: Banks; Market Efficiency; Bank Capital; Bank Debt; CAPM; Banking; Bank Deposits; Bank Funding Advantage; Leverage; Maturity Transformation; Replicating Portfolio; Efficiency; Banks and Banking; Capital Markets; Performance Evaluation; Performance Efficiency; Banking Industry; United States
Begenau, Juliane, and Erik Stafford. "Do Banks Have an Edge?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-060, January 2018. (Revised October 2019.)
- August 2015
- Article
Dollar Funding and the Lending Behavior of Global Banks
By: Victoria Ivashina, David S. Scharfstein and Jeremy C. Stein
A large share of dollar-denominated lending is done by non-U.S. banks, particularly European banks. We present a model in which such banks cut dollar lending more than euro lending in response to a shock to their credit quality. Because these banks rely on wholesale... View Details
Keywords: Banks; Global Banks; Credit Supply; Dollar Funding; International Finance; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Ivashina, Victoria, David S. Scharfstein, and Jeremy C. Stein. "Dollar Funding and the Lending Behavior of Global Banks." Quarterly Journal of Economics 130, no. 3 (August 2015): 1241–1281.
- 2010
- Casebook
Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture
By: Laura Alfaro
All managers face a business environment in which international and macroeconomic phenomena matter. International capital flows can significantly affect countries' development efforts and provide clear investment opportunities for businesses. During the 1990s and early... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Capital; International Finance; Globalized Economies and Regions; Policy; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations
Alfaro, Laura. Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2010.
- January 2005
- Tutorial
Buying Time
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Managers must frequently make decisions involving trade-offs between cash flows to be paid or received at different points in time. Accountants, in turn, must describe transactions that involve the payment and/or receipt of cash far in the future. This interactive... View Details
- December 2000 (Revised December 2016)
- Technical Note
Valuing Companies in Corporate Restructurings: Technical Note
By: Stuart C. Gilson
This case provides a technical overview of different valuation techniques for use in valuing companies in corporate restructuring. Techniques covered include adjusted present value, WACC, capital cash flow, and discounted cash flow valuation. Specific numerical... View Details
Gilson, Stuart C. "Valuing Companies in Corporate Restructurings: Technical Note." Harvard Business School Technical Note 201-073, December 2000. (Revised December 2016.)
- March 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Background Note
Options and Put-Call Parity
By: Andre F. Perold and Wai Lee
Illustrates the payoff structure of various positions involving put and call options and the use of put-call parity in understanding the relationships among various positions. Examines the cases of insured equity, interest rate caps and floors, callable and extendable... View Details
Keywords: Stock Options
Perold, Andre F., and Wai Lee. "Options and Put-Call Parity." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-129, March 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- 1993
- Article
Interest Rate Parity and the Exchange Risk Premium
By: E. S. Mayfield and R. Murphy
Mayfield, E. S., and R. Murphy. "Interest Rate Parity and the Exchange Risk Premium." Economics Letters (1993).
- January 1989 (Revised July 1991)
- Case
Bank for International Development, Software Case
By: W. Carl Kester and Timothy A. Luehrman
A hypothetical case in which an assistant treasurer of a supranational bank is asked to determine in which currencies it has been cheaper ex post to borrow. An integral part of the case is a Lotus 1-2-3 worksheet containing monthly data on yen and dollar interest... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Interest Rates; International Finance; Relationships; Currency; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Analytics and Data Science; Inflation and Deflation
Kester, W. Carl, and Timothy A. Luehrman. "Bank for International Development, Software Case." Harvard Business School Case 289-034, January 1989. (Revised July 1991.)
- February 1988 (Revised November 1994)
- Background Note
Note on Fundamental Parity Conditions
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
Provides a simple framework for analyzing expected exchange rate movements. Basic parity and equilibrium conditions are presented including purchasing power parity, forward parity, interest rate parity, the domestic Fisher effect, and the international Fisher effect... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "Note on Fundamental Parity Conditions." Harvard Business School Background Note 288-016, February 1988. (Revised November 1994.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Arbitrage Capital of Global Banks
By: Alyssa Anderson, Wenxin Du and Bernd Schlusche
We show that the role of unsecured, short-term wholesale funding for global banks has changed significantly in the post-financial-crisis regulatory environment. Global banks mainly use such funding to finance liquid, near risk-free arbitrage positions—in particular,... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
By: David E. Bell
Many of the decisions we face are made complicated by having uncertain consequences: how should I set my inventory when I don’t know what demand will be, should I refinance my mortgage when rates might go lower, how big a bet shall I make in a new business, and so... View Details