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- Fast Answer
Sustainability in Agriculture and Agribusiness
This is a part of Baker Library's Sustainability Research Guide. Background Readings: Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture This report is published by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). IUCN is composed of both... View Details
- December 2014
- Background Note
Note on Agriculture in Argentina
By: David E. Bell and Mary Shelman
This note describes the history of Argentinian agriculture and how it has been affected by government policies and new technologies. View Details
Keywords: Argentina; Farming; Agriculture; Business And Government; Government Agricultural Policy; Agribusiness; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Argentina
Bell, David E., and Mary Shelman. "Note on Agriculture in Argentina." Harvard Business School Background Note 515-069, December 2014.
- July 2023
- Technical Note
Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability in the Netherlands
By: Willy C. Shih, Michael W. Toffel, Kelsey Carter, Jennifer Godfrey, Rafaella Mazza and Katrina Yeh
This note describes some of the most significant agricultural innovations in the Netherlands, their drivers, environmental performance implications, some challenges facing the sector, and the potential replicability of these innovations to other contexts. View Details
Keywords: Agricultural; Decarbonization; Farming; Agribusiness; Science; Research and Development; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Innovation and Invention; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Netherlands
Shih, Willy C., Michael W. Toffel, Kelsey Carter, Jennifer Godfrey, Rafaella Mazza, and Katrina Yeh. "Agricultural Innovation and Sustainability in the Netherlands." Harvard Business School Technical Note 624-021, July 2023.
- January 2016 (Revised March 2016)
- Background Note
The Promise of Agriculture in the Republic of Cuba
By: Jose B. Alvarez, Andrew Otazo and Carin-Isabel Knoop
This background note explains Cuba's past and current agriculture policies, as well as provides insights into its future potential as relations with the U.S. normalize. View Details
Keywords: Cuba; Agribusiness; Agriculture; Errosion; Embargo; Fidel Castro; Raul Castro; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Cuba
Alvarez, Jose B., Andrew Otazo, and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "The Promise of Agriculture in the Republic of Cuba." Harvard Business School Background Note 516-067, January 2016. (Revised March 2016.)
- January 2021
- Article
'Mobile'izing Agricultural Advice: Technology Adoption, Diffusion and Sustainability
By: Shawn A. Cole and A. Nilesh Fernando
We examine the role of management in agricultural productivity by evaluating a mobile-phone based agricultural advice service provided to farmers in India. Demand for advice is high, and advice changes practices, increasing yields in cumin (28%) and cotton (8.6% for a... View Details
Keywords: Agricultural Extension; Informational Inefficiencies; Technology Adoption; Agribusiness; Information; Mobile Technology; India
Cole, Shawn A., and A. Nilesh Fernando. "'Mobile'izing Agricultural Advice: Technology Adoption, Diffusion and Sustainability." Economic Journal 131, no. 633 (January 2021): 192–219.
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Issa Baluch and the African Agribusiness Knowledge and Innovation Leadership Initiative (AKILI)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Renee Vuillaume
A veteran of the freight forwarding industry, Issa Baluch wanted to transform the education space in Africa by introducing hands-on practical teaching in agriculture and agribusiness. In the summer of 2015 his vision of a practical learning institute for African... View Details
Keywords: Agriculture; Institutions For Collaboration; Innovation; Innovation And Strategy; Farming; International Development; Stakeholder Engagement; Youth; Environmental And Social Sustainability; Environment; Social Impact Investment; Agribusiness; Education; Training; Leadership; Knowledge; Environmental Sustainability; Innovation Strategy; Knowledge Management; Finance; Africa
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Renee Vuillaume. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Issa Baluch and the African Agribusiness Knowledge and Innovation Leadership Initiative (AKILI)." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-056, 2015. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- Article
National Image as a Competitive Disadvantage: The Case of the New Zealand Organic Food Industry
By: Geoffrey Jones and Simon Mowatt
This article examines why organic agriculture and food consumption developed more strongly in some countries than others between the 1970s and the 2000s. The focus is the limited growth of the New Zealand organic sector, which contrasts with countries such as Denmark,... View Details
Keywords: Industrial Organization; Chinitz; Agglomeration; Clusters; Cities; Mines; Political Economy; FDI; Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture; Agribusiness; Entrepreneurship; Business History; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; New Zealand; Denmark
Jones, Geoffrey, and Simon Mowatt. "National Image as a Competitive Disadvantage: The Case of the New Zealand Organic Food Industry." Business History 58, no. 8 (2016): 1262–1288.
- Program
Agribusiness Seminar
deepen their understanding of the food and agriculture landscape, exchange perspectives, strengthen their networks, and cultivate ideas to shape this vital industry. In our... View Details
- December 2012 (Revised August 2013)
- Case
Nestlé: Agricultural Material Sourcing Within the Concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV)
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Lorin A. Fries
Corporate Head of Agriculture Hans Jöhr's mind raced in anticipation of the executive board meeting that afternoon. Jöhr recognized the meeting as a key opportunity to strategize far into the future, reexamining how his team's efforts in sustainable agricultural... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Value Creation; Quality; Supply Chain Management; Social Issues; Environmental Sustainability; Problems and Challenges; Growth and Development Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Lorin A. Fries. "Nestlé: Agricultural Material Sourcing Within the Concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV)." Harvard Business School Case 913-406, December 2012. (Revised August 2013.)
- 2015
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Robert Meaney and Technology for Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Renee Vuillaume
Two Valmont Industries (an international leader in infrastructure products and services) colleagues, Robert (Bob) Meaney and Richard Berkland hoped to improve the lives of small and medium-sized farmers in the developing world through modern irrigation technology. In... View Details
Keywords: Developing World; Farm; Farming; Small-scale Farmers; Agriculture; Agricultural Production; Water Management; Water; Leadership Skills; Agribusiness; Information Technology; Technology Adoption; Leadership; Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Africa; Ghana; Tanzania; Rwanda
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Renee Vuillaume. "Advanced Leadership Pathways: Robert Meaney and Technology for Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa." Harvard Business Publishing Case 316-059, 2015. (Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- August 2022
- Teaching Note
AppHarvest: Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy Through Agriculture
By: Joshua Lev Krieger, William R. Kerr and Bailey McAfee
- Teaching Interest
Agribusiness Seminar - Executive Education
By: David E. Bell
In the agribusiness industry, every year brings new trends and challenges. While demand continues to grow, consumer needs shift, production challenges increase, and evolving technology impacts every part of the value chain. The complex... View Details
- November 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
AppHarvest: Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy Through Agriculture
By: Joshua Lev Krieger, William R. Kerr and Christian Godwin
In 2021, AppHarvest completed construction of a 60-acre indoor farming facility, one of the world’s largest, recorded its first sales, and went public in a multi-billion dollar IPO. Described as “a force of nature,” Jonathan Webb founded the company to bring jobs back... View Details
Keywords: Agricultural; Entrepreneur; Business Startups; Development Economics; Sales; Goals and Objectives; Going Public; Growth Management; Buildings and Facilities; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; North America
Krieger, Joshua Lev, William R. Kerr, and Christian Godwin. "AppHarvest: Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy Through Agriculture." Harvard Business School Case 822-067, November 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- 19 Jun 2009
- Research Event
Business Summit: The Evolution of Agribusiness
to be seen not just as economically important, but as a critical part of society. Agribusiness touches on health, nutrition, safety, science, and government. One particular step in the evolutionary process... View Details
- 2017
- Article
Agricultural Insurance and Economic Development
By: Shawn A. Cole and Wentao Xiong
This article provides a review of recent research on agricultural insurance (AI) in developing countries. Agricultural producers face a variety of significant risks; historically, only government-subsidized products have achieved widespread adoption. A recent... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Insurance; Developing Countries and Economies; Adoption; Risk Management; Research; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry
Cole, Shawn A., and Wentao Xiong. "Agricultural Insurance and Economic Development." Annual Review of Economics 9 (2017): 235–262.
- October 2016 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Indigo Agriculture
By: Marco Iansiti, Michael W. Toffel and Christine Snively
Indigo Agriculture had successfully developed and launched its first commercial product, microbe-enhanced cotton seeds, on an accelerated product development timeline. In late 2016, as the company was about to launch its second product, winter wheat, the management... View Details
Keywords: Product Development; Agribusiness; Science-Based Business; Operations; Management; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Technology Industry
Iansiti, Marco, Michael W. Toffel, and Christine Snively. "Indigo Agriculture." Harvard Business School Case 617-020, October 2016. (Revised November 2018.)
- July 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation
In the United States, genetically modified corn and soybeans are now widely grown and consumed. In Europe, however, they have been dubbed "Frankenstein foods," shunned by packaged food manufacturers, and subjected to a host of governmental restrictions. This case... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Genetics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Law; Goods and Commodities; Safety; Environmental Sustainability; Government and Politics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Europe; United States
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation." Harvard Business School Case 701-004, July 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- 31 May 2017
- News
Father Agribusiness
Agribusiness, he explains, “..[i]s not just agriculture and business, it’s people from the medical school and government and the school for... View Details
- February 2010 (Revised November 2011)
- Case
International Agribusiness in China: Charoen Pokphand Group
By: William C. Kirby, Michael Shih-ta Chen, Tracy Manty and Yi Kwan Chu
The world's leading Thai agribusiness corporation and largest agribusiness investor in China, CP Group, is facing another crossroads in China as the country starts to undergo rural reform. The issues at hand for Chairman Dhanin Chearavanont is how CP can balance its... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; SWOT Analysis; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Problems and Challenges; Rural Scope; Agribusiness; Change; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; China
Kirby, William C., Michael Shih-ta Chen, Tracy Manty, and Yi Kwan Chu. "International Agribusiness in China: Charoen Pokphand Group." Harvard Business School Case 910-418, February 2010. (Revised November 2011.)