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- Faculty Publications (243)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (243)
- Article
Organization Transformation as Punctuated Equilibrium: An Empirical Test
By: Michael Tushman and E. Romanelli
Tushman, Michael, and E. Romanelli. "Organization Transformation as Punctuated Equilibrium: An Empirical Test." Academy of Management Journal 37, no. 5 (October 1994): 1141–1166.
- Article
Environmental and Organization Context and Executive Team Characteristics
By: S. Keck and Michael Tushman
Keck, S., and Michael Tushman. "Environmental and Organization Context and Executive Team Characteristics." Academy of Management Journal 36, no. 6 (December 1993): 1314–1344.
- November 1992
- Article
Executive Succession and Organization Outcomes in Turbulent Environments: An Organizational Learning Approach
By: Michael Tushman, B. Virany and E. Romanelli
Tushman, Michael, B. Virany, and E. Romanelli. "Executive Succession and Organization Outcomes in Turbulent Environments: An Organizational Learning Approach." Organization Science 3, no. 4 (November 1992): 72–92.
- 1992
- Chapter
Designing Organizations that Have Good Fit: A Framework for Understanding New Architectures
By: M. Tushman and D. Nadler
Keywords: Organizational Design
- spring 1992
- Article
Exploring the Dynamics of Dual Ladders: A Longitudinal Study
By: M. Tushman and R. Katz
Tushman, M., and R. Katz. "Exploring the Dynamics of Dual Ladders: A Longitudinal Study." Management of High Technology Firms, edited by E. Lawless and G. Mejia Journal of High Technology Management Research 4 (spring 1992).
- 1992
- Article
On the Organizational Determinants of Technological Change: Towards a Sociology of Technological Evolution
By: L. Rosenkopf and M. Tushman
Rosenkopf, L., and M. Tushman. "On the Organizational Determinants of Technological Change: Towards a Sociology of Technological Evolution." Research in Organizational Behavior 14 (1992).
- January 1992
- Article
The Role of Executive Team Actions in Shaping Dominant Designs: Towards Shaping Technological Progress
By: R. McGrath, Ian MacMillan and M. Tushman
McGrath, R., Ian MacMillan, and M. Tushman. "The Role of Executive Team Actions in Shaping Dominant Designs: Towards Shaping Technological Progress." Strategic Management Journal 13, no. 1 (January 1992): 137–161.
- 1991
- Article
Managing through Cycles of Technological Change
By: Phil Anderson and Michael Tushman
Anderson, Phil, and Michael Tushman. "Managing through Cycles of Technological Change." Research-Technology Management 34 (1991): 26–31.
- winter 1990
- Article
Beyond the Charismatic Leader: Leadership and Organizational Change
By: D. Nadler and Michael Tushman
Nadler, D., and Michael Tushman. "Beyond the Charismatic Leader: Leadership and Organizational Change." California Management Review 32, no. 2 (winter 1990): 77–97.
- March 1990
- Article
Technological Discontinuities and Dominant Designs: A Cyclical Model of Technological Change
By: P. Anderson and Michael Tushman
Anderson, P., and Michael Tushman. "Technological Discontinuities and Dominant Designs: A Cyclical Model of Technological Change." Administrative Science Quarterly 35, no. 1 (March 1990): 604–633.
- March 1990
- Article
Technology, Organizations and Innovation: An Introduction
By: Michael Tushman and R. Nelson
Tushman, Michael, and R. Nelson. "Technology, Organizations and Innovation: An Introduction." Administrative Science Quarterly 35, no. 1 (March 1990): 1–8.
- 1989
- Book
The Management of Organizations
By: Michael Tushman, C. O'Reilly and D. Nadler
Tushman, Michael, C. O'Reilly and D. Nadler, eds. The Management of Organizations. New York: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1989.
- August 1989
- Article
Organizational Frame-Bending: Principles for Managing Reorientations
By: D. Nadler and Michael Tushman
Nadler, D., and Michael Tushman. "Organizational Frame-Bending: Principles for Managing Reorientations." Academy of Management Executive 3, no. 3 (August 1989): 194–204.
- 1988
- Book
Readings in the Management of Innovation
By: Michael Tushman and William L. Moore
Keywords: Innovation and Management
Tushman, Michael, and William L. Moore. Readings in the Management of Innovation. 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1988.
- autumn 1986
- Article
Top Management Teams and Corporate Success in an Emerging Industry
By: Michael Tushman and B. Virany
Tushman, Michael, and B. Virany. "Top Management Teams and Corporate Success in an Emerging Industry." Journal of Business Venturing 1, no. 3 (autumn 1986): 261–274.
- fall 1986
- Article
Convergence and Upheaval: Managing the Unsteady Pace of Organizational Evolution
By: M. Tushman, W. Newman and E. Romanelli
Tushman, M., W. Newman, and E. Romanelli. "Convergence and Upheaval: Managing the Unsteady Pace of Organizational Evolution." California Management Review 29, no. 1 (fall 1986): 29–44. (Winner of Pacific Telesis Foundation Award For the article published in the California Management Review that has made the most important contribution to improving the practice of management.)