
An Economy Doing Half Its Job

Re: Michael E. Porter and Jan W. Rivkin, with contributions from Joseph B. Fuller, Allen S. Grossman, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and Kevin W. Sharer
This report presents the findings of HBS' 2013–14 survey on U.S. competitiveness. It highlights a troubling divergence in the U.S. economy: large and midsize firms are prospering, but middle- and working-class citizens and small businesses are struggling.

Clusters and Entrepreneurship

By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern
Industries located in regions with strong clusters (i.e. a large presence of other related industries) experience higher growth in new business formation and start-up employment.

The Economic Performance of Regions

The performance of regional economies varies markedly in terms of wage, wage growth, employment growth, and patenting rate.