Defining Clusters of Related Industries

By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This paper develops a novel clustering algorithm that systematically generates and assesses sets of cluster definitions (i.e., groups of closely related industries).

The State of Small Business Lending: Credit Access During the Recovery and How Technology May Change the Game

By: Karen G. Mills and Brayden McCarthy
Is there a credit gap in small business lending?

Government Debt and Competitiveness

By: Robert S. Kaplan and David M. Walker
The United States federal government’s current and projected fiscal deficits are not sustainable.

Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance

By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This paper evaluates the role of regional cluster composition in the economic performance of industries, clusters and regions.

The Competitive Advantage of Nations

In the modern competitive marketplace, nations have their own competitive advantages. These are investigated and discussed in-depth.