#1. First thing’s first, it’s Harvard.
2 degrees from an incredibly storied institution? Yes. The answer is yes. duh.
#2. You have a plethora of mind-blowing resources at your fingertips.
[https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/Doge for citation]
- Professors
- VC’s
- The Rock Center and iLab
- Classmates: in your program sure, but also pure MBA’s, pure engineers, HKS, HLS, and HMS - and they’re the best of the best
- Other top schools (I c u, MIT 👀)
- Space to work on what you want to work on
- Time to work on what you want to work on
- A career safety net
- Spangler dining food
#3. Another one? In just two years, you get two degrees - i.e. efficiency is key here 🔑🔒
#4. Harvard isn’t a traditional engineering school, which is a very good thing.
It means your professors are incredibly entrepreneurial, and are applying research in cutting edge tech, stats and business to areas like health, sports and so much more.
#5. Cambridge and Boston are def on the tech / business map.
You’re right, it’s not the Bay! But there are game-changers here who are literally changing the world:
- Entrepreneurs
- VCs
- Academics
- Receptive stakeholders and a unique target market - everyone’s down to hear what you have to offer: the government, bicyclists, schools, restaurants
- Also the fall leaves are unparalleled.
#6. I hear you have to be a college dropout to change the world.
[http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pajama-kid for citation; http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/015/273/pajamakid.JPG for image]
This is wrong. s/o to Oscar Wilde who knew what was up: “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
#7. Do it for the people.
We need people who are managing engineers to be good leaders.
We need all leaders to know about technology because all companies have to be tech companies now.
This is bigger than just you.
Interested in learning more about the MS/MBA? Here are four things you need to know.
Anita Mehrotra is a Class of 2018 HBS student (Section I!) and was previously a data scientist at Accenture Tech Labs and BuzzFeed. She has a BA from Cal, an MS in Computational Science & Engineering from Harvard SEAS and a serious proclivity for Bayesian models, SoulCycle and all things California (#beach #dubs #tacos).