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Oxford, UK

Undergrad Education

Undergrad Education

University of Oxford, 2016; PhD, 2020

Previous Experience

Previous Experience

Evox Therapeutics, Neumind

“My HBS section mates have broadened my perception of what good leadership can be.”

Coming to HBS is like...

Being on a rollercoaster: the initial fear turns into thrill, its unpredictable at every turn, and you enjoy the ride as much as the feeling of elation when you get to the end.

What is your most memorable classroom moment?

The case I will never forget is definitely the Ron Johnson case where we got to see both Ron Johnson (protagonist) and Bill Ackman (activist investor) speaking in the classroom. We needed popcorn in that class..!

What is your favorite childhood memory?

When I was 5 years old my dog Snuffle got pregnant and had six beautiful puppies!

What is the best thing about your home town?

There are two swans that live in the pond near where I grew up. Every year they have a new set of cygnets, and it’s amazing being able to watch them grow over the year.

What has changed about your understanding of leadership?

Wow. So much. I think most pertinent has been hearing from different members of my section and the various leadership roles they have undertaken. They have broadened my perception of what good leadership can be and reinforced the humility required to enable them to reflect and seek feedback to constantly improve.