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- All HBS Web
- News (88)
- Research (578)
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- Faculty Publications (296)
- 1993
- Book
Foreign Direct Investment
By: K. Froot
Keywords: Corporate Finance; Market Imperfections; Foreign Direct Investment; Financial Instruments; Markets; Asset Pricing
Froot, K., ed. Foreign Direct Investment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993.
- 01 Dec 2015
- News
Case Study: Bionic Banking
(Thinkstock/Getty Images) Robo-advisors, like Betterment and Wealthfront, are built for millennials-automated asset management for those with lower account balances or an aversion to traditional financial advisors. Silicon Valley has... View Details
- February 2000 (Revised August 2001)
- Case
Astor Park Hotel
By: William J. Poorvu, Arthur I Segel and Matthew C. Lieb
Starwood Hotels, the world's largest REIT, is interested in acquiring an underperforming hotel in the Pacific Northwest. Steve Goldman, Starwood's VP of acquisitions and development, is wondering how much to pay for the property and how to reposition it. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Mergers and Acquisitions; Asset Pricing; Property; Investment; Accommodations Industry; Northwestern United States
Poorvu, William J., Arthur I Segel, and Matthew C. Lieb. "Astor Park Hotel." Harvard Business School Case 800-194, February 2000. (Revised August 2001.)
- 1991
- Chapter
Japanese Foreign Direct Investment
By: K. A. Froot
- 1992
- Chapter
Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques, Survey Data, and Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market
By: J. Frankel and K. A. Froot
Keywords: Currencies; Exchange Rates; International Macroeconomics; Monetary Policy; Currency Controls; Fixed Exchange Rates; Floating Exchange Rates; Currency Bands; Currency Zones; Currency Areas; Rational Expectations; International Finance; Currency Exchange Rate; Asset Pricing; Forecasting and Prediction; Policy
Frankel, J., and K. A. Froot. "Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques, Survey Data, and Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market." In International Business Reader, edited by D. Duta. London: Oxford University Press, 1992. (Revised from IMF Working Paper No. 90/43 and NBER Working Paper No. 3470, October 1990.)
- 1993
- Working Paper
Currency Hedging Over Long Horizons
By: K. A. Froot
This paper reexamines the widely-held wisdom that the currency exposure of international investments should be entirely hedged. It finds that the previously documented ability of hedges to reduce portfolio return variance holds at short horizons, but not at long... View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability
By: Russell Lundholm, George Serafeim and Gwen Yu
We study how the availability of domestic credit influences the contribution that financing activities make to a firm's return on equity (ROE). Using a sample of 51,866 firms from 69 countries, we find that financing activities contribute more to a firm's ROE in... View Details
Keywords: Domestic Credit; Return Of Equity; Corporate Performance; Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Statements; Valuation; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Economic Growth
Lundholm, Russell, George Serafeim, and Gwen Yu. "FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-011, July 2012. (Revised March 2014.)
- September 1999
- Case
Sally Jameson - 1999
By: George C. Chacko, Henry B. Reiling, Peter Tufano and Matthew Bailey
Sally Jameson has a large block of appreciated stock, which she is contemplating selling to purchase a home. She is comparing an outright sale, borrowing against the stock, shorting against the box, and a stock loan proposed by a small financial services firm. View Details
Keywords: Asset Pricing; Asset Management; Financial Liquidity; Stocks; Stock Options; Financing and Loans; Financial Services Industry
Chacko, George C., Henry B. Reiling, Peter Tufano, and Matthew Bailey. "Sally Jameson - 1999." Harvard Business School Case 200-006, September 1999.
- 22 Aug 2024
- Research & Ideas
Reading the Financial Crisis Warning Signs: Credit Markets and the 'Red-Zone'
of periods of overheated credit markets. We try to track crises using a measure of overheating that we developed and call the “Red-zone.” The Red-zone is a combination of credit expansion and high asset prices. In the domain of houses and... View Details
- 1999
- Book
The Financing of Catastrophe Risk
By: Kenneth A. Froot
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, Kenneth A., ed. The Financing of Catastrophe Risk. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
- 16 Aug 2010
- Lessons from the Classroom
HBS Introduces Marketing Analysis Tools for Managers
analysis, which helps managers assess the feasibility of proposed fixed and variable marketing expenditures, the feasibility of pricing changes, and the feasibility of a new product introduction. "Customer Lifetime Value... View Details
Keywords: by Sarah Jane Gilbert
- November–December 1994
- Article
A Framework for Risk Management
By: K. Froot, David S. Scharfstein and J. Stein
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Framework; Risk Management; Corporate Finance; Asset Pricing; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K., David S. Scharfstein, and J. Stein. "A Framework for Risk Management." Harvard Business Review 72, no. 6 (November–December 1994): 59–71. (Revised from "Developing a Risk Management Strategy," Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 95-021. Reprinted in Bank of America Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 7, no. 3 (fall 1994): 22-33; Marsh & McLennan Companies' Viewpoint 24 (spring 1995): 21-37; and in Corporate Risk: Strategies and Management, edited by Greg Brown and Don Chew, London: Risk Books, December 1999.)
- August 2010
- Teaching Note
Vereinigung Hamburger Schiffsmakler und Schiffsagenten e.V.: Valuing Ships (TN)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Albert W. Sheen
Teaching Note for 210058. View Details
- June 2007
- Article
Risk Management, Capital Budgeting and Capital Structure Policy for Insurers and Reinsurers
By: K. A. Froot
Keywords: Risk Management; Capital Budgeting; Cost of Capital; Policy; Insurance; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A. "Risk Management, Capital Budgeting and Capital Structure Policy for Insurers and Reinsurers." Journal of Risk and Insurance 74, no. 2 (June 2007): 273–299. (Winner of Robert C. Witt Award Given annually for the best feature article in the Journal of Risk and Insurance presented by American Risk and Insurance Association. Revised from NBER Working Paper no. 10184, Harvard Business School Working Paper no. 04-035, December 2003.)
- January 1998
- Case
Meinhard v. Salmon: Court of Appeals of New York (1928)
By: Henry B. Reiling
Meinhard and Salmon were joint venturers who had a 20-year lease on the Hotel Bristol in New York City. Salmon was the managing party. Four months before the lease was to end, the owner approached Salmon and offered to lease all the property, of which the Bristol was... View Details
Keywords: Lawsuits and Litigation; Joint Ventures; Partners and Partnerships; Decisions; Asset Pricing; Leasing; New York (city, NY)
Reiling, Henry B. "Meinhard v. Salmon: Court of Appeals of New York (1928)." Harvard Business School Case 298-079, January 1998.
- Article
Optimal Value and Growth Tilts in Long-Horizon Portfolios
By: Jakub W. Jurek and Luis M. Viceira
We develop an analytical solution to the dynamic portfolio choice problem of an investor with power utility defined over wealth at a finite horizon, who faces a time-varying investment opportunity set, parameterized using a flexible vector autoregression. We apply this... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Private Equity; Investment; Investment Portfolio; Asset Pricing; Value
Jurek, Jakub W., and Luis M. Viceira. "Optimal Value and Growth Tilts in Long-Horizon Portfolios." Review of Finance 15, no. 1 (January 2011): 29–74.
- Career Coach
Cici Xie
and cover letter reviews. Work Experience: Bank of America (M&A), T Rowe Price (internship at long-only asset manager), and Twin Peaks Capital (internship at Long-short hedge fund). View Details
- December 1993
- Article
Risk Management: Coordinating Corporate Investment and Financing Policies
By: K. A. Froot, David S. Scharfstein and J. Stein
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A., David S. Scharfstein, and J. Stein. "Risk Management: Coordinating Corporate Investment and Financing Policies." Journal of Finance 48, no. 5 (December 1993): 1629–1658. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 4084, February 1993. Reprinted in RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, Management Journal of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP), Business School for Administration in Sao Paulo, Brazil, volume no. 48, issue no. 1 (January-March 2008): 87-118. Reprinted in Insurance and Risk Management, Volume II, Corporate Risk Management, Part I: Theory on Why and How Firms Manage Risk, Chapter 3, edited by Gregory R. Niehaus, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (October 2008). Also in M.J. Brennan, The Theory of Corporate Finance from The International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics, edited by R. Roll, 1995; and in Merton Miller and Chris Culp, eds. Corporate Hedging in Theory and Practice: Lessons from Metallgesellschaft, Risk Books, 1999.)
- October 1997 (Revised March 1998)
- Case
Komatsu Ltd.: Project G's Globalization
This case describes the major strategic and organizational transformation at Komatsu aimed at changing it from a Japan-based producer of construction equipment to a truly global company with the ability to leverage its groupwide portfolio of resources and capabilities... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Construction; Asset Pricing; Investment Portfolio; Global Strategy; Leadership; Resource Allocation; Risk Management; Expansion; Manufacturing Industry; Japan
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Komatsu Ltd.: Project G's Globalization." Harvard Business School Case 398-016, October 1997. (Revised March 1998.)