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- Faculty Publications (432)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (432)
- 2006
- Chapter
Advanced Regression Models
By: Raghuram Iyengar and Sunil Gupta
Keywords: Mathematical Methods
- 2006
- Chapter
Interorganizational Cooperation between Not-for-profit Organizations: A Relational Analysis
By: Julie Battilana and Metin Sengul
Battilana, Julie, and Metin Sengul. "Interorganizational Cooperation between Not-for-profit Organizations: A Relational Analysis." In Relational Perspectives in Organization Studies: A Research Companion, edited by Olympia Kyriakidou and Mustafa F. Özbilgin, 197–220. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006.
- April 2006
- Background Note
Informing Service Management with Customer Data
By: Frances X. Frei and Dennis Campbell
Taught as the third module in a Harvard Business School course on Managing Service Operations. Explores the role of data analysis in ongoing service management. Describes how to realize the maximum amount of value from analyses and use this information in... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Design; Analytics and Data Science; Service Operations; Mathematical Methods; Value
Frei, Frances X., and Dennis Campbell. "Informing Service Management with Customer Data." Harvard Business School Background Note 606-097, April 2006.
- February 2006
- Teaching Note
Cost-Volume-Profit Models (TN)
By: David F. Hawkins, V.G. Narayanan, Michele Jurgens and Jacob Cohen
Keywords: Mathematical Methods
- January 2006
- Tutorial
Cost-Volume Profit Models
By: David F. Hawkins, V.G. Narayanan, Jacob Cohen and Michele Jurgens
Covers fixed, variable, and semivariable costs and their role in building and interpreting cost-volume-profit models. Introduces the cost-volume and contribution-volume-profit models and identifies some of their uses and limitations. Teaches how to use the... View Details
- 2006
- Working Paper
On the Origin of Shared Beliefs (and Corporate Culture)
This paper shows why members of an organization often share similar beliefs. I argue that there are two mechanisms. First, when performance depends on making correct decisions, people prefer to work with others who share their beliefs and assumptions, since such... View Details
Van den Steen, Eric J. "On the Origin of Shared Beliefs (and Corporate Culture)." Sloan School of Management Working Paper, No. 4553-05, January 2006. (Available at SSRN.)
- December 2005 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
Innovation and Collaboration at Merrill Lynch
By: Boris Groysberg and Ingrid Vargas
In the spring of 2005, Candace Browning, head of Global Securities Research and Economics at Merrill Lynch, led about 500 Merrill Lynch analysts worldwide in a collaborative effort to produce innovative research, most of them accustomed to working independently in... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Groups and Teams; Management Teams; Decision Making; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Negotiation; Mathematical Methods; Strategy; Human Resources; Motivation and Incentives; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry
Groysberg, Boris, and Ingrid Vargas. "Innovation and Collaboration at Merrill Lynch." Harvard Business School Case 406-081, December 2005. (Revised March 2007.)
- October 2005 (Revised February 2010)
- Background Note
Calculating Free Cash Flows
By: Robin Greenwood and David S. Scharfstein
Outlines the mechanics of calculating free cash flows from historical and proforma financial statements. Focuses on the mechanical process of transforming numbers from financial forecasts into cash flows. View Details
Greenwood, Robin, and David S. Scharfstein. "Calculating Free Cash Flows." Harvard Business School Background Note 206-028, October 2005. (Revised February 2010.)
- 2005
- Chapter
A Revised Model of the Resource Allocation Process
By: J. L. Bower and Clark Gilbert
Bower, J. L., and Clark Gilbert. "A Revised Model of the Resource Allocation Process." In From Resource Allocation to Strategy, edited by Joseph L. Bower and Clark Gilbert. U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2005.
- August 2005 (Revised April 2008)
- Teaching Note
GuestFirst Hotel (A): Statistics Review with Data Desk (TN)
By: Frances X. Frei
Presents an overview of the statistical analysis covered in the case discussion. View Details
Keywords: Mathematical Methods
- August 2005 (Revised April 2008)
- Teaching Note
GuestFirst Hotel (B): Statistics Review with Data Desk (TN)
By: Frances X. Frei
Presents an overview of the statistical analysis covered in the case discussion. View Details
- August 2005 (Revised April 2008)
- Teaching Note
Store24 (A): Statistics Review with Data Desk (TN)
By: Frances X. Frei
Presents an overview of the statistical analysis covered in the case discussion. View Details
- August 2005 (Revised April 2008)
- Teaching Note
Store24 (B): Statistics Review with Data Desk (TN)
By: Frances X. Frei
Presents an overview of the statistical analysis covered in the case discussion. View Details
- August 2005 (Revised September 2006)
- Case
Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math
By: Anita Elberse, Jehoshua Eliashberg and Julian Villanueva
In 2003, Mike McCready, CEO of Barcelona-based Polyphonic HMI, was preparing to launch an artificial intelligence tool that could create significant value for music businesses. The technology, referred to as Hit Song Science (HSS), analyzed the mathematical... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Music Entertainment; Business History; Leadership; Marketing Strategy; Strategic Planning; Problems and Challenges; Mathematical Methods; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Elberse, Anita, Jehoshua Eliashberg, and Julian Villanueva. "Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math." Harvard Business School Case 506-009, August 2005. (Revised September 2006.) (Spanish version also available.)
- June 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
E Ink in 2005
By: David B. Yoffie and Barbara Mack
Explores the challenges of commercializing a bleeding-edge technology. After seven years, E Ink has spent more than $100 million to commercialize electronic ink. With business momentum picking up, but resources running out, the case examines the key trade-offs in... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Commercialization; Mathematical Methods; Consumer Products Industry; Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Barbara Mack. "E Ink in 2005." Harvard Business School Case 705-506, June 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
- March 2005
- Article
Sovereign Debt As a Contingent Claim: A Quantitative Approach
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
We construct a dynamic equilibrium model with contingent service and adverse selection to quantitatively study sovereign debt. In the model, benefits of defaulting are tempered by higher future interest rates. For a wide set of parameters, the only equilibrium is one... View Details
Keywords: Sovereign Finance; Borrowing and Debt; Interest Rates; Balance and Stability; Risk and Uncertainty; Risk Management; Mathematical Methods; Management Style; Segmentation; Debt Securities; Banking Industry
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Sovereign Debt As a Contingent Claim: A Quantitative Approach." Journal of International Economics 65, no. 2 (March 2005).
- February 2005 (Revised November 2016)
- Background Note
Forecasting the Adoption of a New Product
By: Elie Ofek
Provides tools and methodologies that allow forecasting demand for innovative new products. Highlights the Bass model—the theory behind it and ways to determine its parameters. Provides a detailed example of how to use the Bass model to forecast demand for satellite... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Innovation and Invention; Marketing; Demand and Consumers; Mathematical Methods; Competition
Ofek, Elie. "Forecasting the Adoption of a New Product." Harvard Business School Background Note 505-062, February 2005. (Revised November 2016.)
- February 2005
- Article
An Econometric Analysis of Inventory Turnover Performance in Retail Services
By: Vishal Gaur, Marshall L. Fisher and Ananth Raman
Gaur, Vishal, Marshall L. Fisher, and Ananth Raman. "An Econometric Analysis of Inventory Turnover Performance in Retail Services." Management Science 51, no. 2 (February 2005): 181–194.
- February 2005 (Revised March 2005)
- Background Note
Simple Regression Mathematics
By: Frances X. Frei and Dennis Campbell
Describes the underlying mathematics of regression. View Details
Keywords: Mathematical Methods
Frei, Frances X., and Dennis Campbell. "Simple Regression Mathematics." Harvard Business School Background Note 605-061, February 2005. (Revised March 2005.)