Justine Murray
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
Justine is a doctoral student in the Micro Organizational Behavior unit at Harvard Business School. Her research interests include callings, meaningful work, time, money and happiness and how individuals account for each of these factors when making decisions about their professional lives. Justine received her B.S. in Economics, concentrating in Marketing and Social Impact and Responsibility, from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2018. Prior to her matriculation to Harvard, she worked in Business Development/Strategy for JP Morgan & Chase.
Contact Information
Justine is a doctoral student in the Micro Organizational Behavior unit at Harvard Business School. Her research interests include callings, meaningful work, time, money and happiness and how individuals account for each of these factors when making decisions about their professional lives. Justine received her B.S. in Economics, concentrating in Marketing and Social Impact and Responsibility, from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 2018. Prior to her matriculation to Harvard, she worked in Business Development/Strategy for JP Morgan & Chase.