Eliodoro Matte Larraín
Eliodoro Matte Larraín
  • President, Empresas CMPC S.A. (Pulp and Paper)
Born Santiago, Chile, 1945. BSc. Civil Engineering, Universidad de Chile (1969). MBA, University of Chicago (1972).
“The 1982 crisis helped CMPC finish restructuring. Both the country and the company were going through such a terrible time that we were forced to become more cost-effective.”


Eliodoro Matte Larraín discusses his family's involvement in the growth and diversification of Empresas CMPC. This Chilean pulp and paper company is one of the biggest in its industry in Latin America, operating in multiple countries in the region. In the interview, Matte examines the history of deregulation in Chile, and reveals the globalization policies pursued by CMPC. He also highlights the company's strategies designed to weather multiple regional and global economic crises in recent decades.

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Eliodoro Matte Larraín discusses his family's involvement in the growth and diversification of Empresas CMPC. This Chilean pulp and paper company is one of the biggest in its industry in Latin America, operating in multiple countries in the region. In the interview, Matte examines the history of deregulation in Chile, and reveals the globalization policies pursued by CMPC. He also highlights the company's strategies designed to weather multiple regional and global economic crises in recent decades.
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Additional Resources

  • Giovanni Stumpo, “El sector de celulosa y papel en Chile,” Cepal- Onudi, División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial
  • Compañía Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones (Chile), CMPC: Tradición y futuro, 1920-2000. Santiago: CMPC, 2000
  • Company Archives
  • Fazio R. Hugo, Mapa Actual de la Extrema Riqueza en Chile, 1997

Interview Citation Format

"Interview with Eliodoro Matte Larraín, interviewed by Andrea Lluch, Santiago, Chile, May 28, 2008, Creating Emerging Markets Project, Baker Library Historical Collections, Harvard Business School, http://www.hbs.edu/creating-emerging-markets/."